Working Families Party Candidates Respond to New Petition Challenge in Philadelphia City Council Campaigns

Kendra Brooks and Nicolas O’Rourke

PHILADELPHIA, August 16, 2023 — Today, Working Families Party candidates Kendra Brooks and Nicolas O’Rourke issued a strong response to a new petition challenge aimed at their City Council campaigns. The candidates criticized the challenge as a politically motivated maneuver by the Republican Party to limit voter choice and suppress their campaigns.

In a joint statement, Brooks and O’Rourke stated, “This is another desperate attempt by the Republican Party to take away voter choice this November. We are not surprised by the continued legal challenges given that their billionaire benefactors have said they will stop at no lengths to prevent our elections, including filing frivolous legal challenges meant to tie us up in court.”

The candidates went on to accuse the Republican Party of engaging in tactics to suppress voter choice and deny election results. They claimed that the party is attempting to abuse campaign finance laws to stifle the voices of working-class Philadelphians. The statement highlighted the contrast between their own grassroots campaigns and the Republican slate, which they argued is driven by special interests.

Brooks and O’Rourke emphasized the broad support they have garnered from various sectors of society. They mentioned labor unions, community organizations, and faith leaders as sources of their backing. The candidates argued that their campaign’s foundation lies in representing the people and communities they aim to serve. In contrast, they accused the Republican Party of aligning with special interests that have opposed policies such as raising the minimum wage, reproductive rights, and tax reforms benefiting billionaires.

Addressing the legal aspect of the challenge, Brooks and O’Rourke expressed confidence that the petition challenge, much like a previous one, will be dismissed by the courts. They pointed out that other candidates, including Republican mayoral candidate David Oh and City Commissioner Seth Bluestein, also relied solely on electronic signatures in their filings. The candidates framed this situation as reflective of hypocrisy within the opposition.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the Working Families Party candidates remain steadfast in their commitment to their campaigns and their assertion that they represent the interests and voices of working-class Philadelphians.

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