2024 DNC Day Two: Hilda Solis Advocates for Expanded Support and Funding to Address Homelessness at DNC Poverty Council

August 20, 2024 – McCormick Place, Chicago – In a powerful address at the Democratic National Committee’s Poverty Council meeting, Hilda Solis, a distinguished leader with a broad political background, highlighted the urgent need for expanded support and funding to tackle homelessness and poverty.

Solis, who currently serves as a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors representing the 1st district, has a long history of public service. Her extensive experience includes serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California, a member of the California State Senate from the 24th district, and as the 25th United States Secretary of Labor. Her comprehensive perspective on legislative and local governance positions her as a key advocate for effective solutions to the challenges of homelessness and poverty.

Solis praised the efforts of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, who has been actively engaging with the homeless community and working directly with mental health teams and individuals with lived experience. Solis highlighted the challenges faced by the city, noting the difficulty in hiring sufficient mental health and social service professionals to address the complex needs of the homeless population.

“Los Angeles County is making strides, but we need more hands on deck. We’re hiring now to fill these essential roles, but we must also inspire others to get involved and help mitigate this issue,” Solis emphasized. She called for a collective effort to address homelessness, urging community members to leverage their own resources and advocate for expanded funding.

Solis outlined some of the successful initiatives undertaken in Los Angeles, including the use of ARPA funding to convert hotels and motels into interim housing. This approach provided not only shelter but also comprehensive support services, such as mental health care and substance abuse treatment. The efforts were further bolstered by federal and state funds, leading to the purchase and transformation of motels into long-term housing solutions.

Drawing attention to a recent Supreme Court ruling, Solis cautioned against punitive measures against the homeless, arguing that merely relocating encampments without providing adequate housing exacerbates the problem. She emphasized the need for a humane and solution-oriented approach, stressing that removing people from the streets without offering alternatives is counterproductive.

In her speech, Solis also highlighted innovative projects such as prefabricated housing units, which have been used effectively in her district. These units, designed from shipping containers, offer cost-effective and fully equipped living spaces with essential services. She encouraged local officials to explore similar solutions and utilize underused assets for housing development.

Solis spoke about the broader context of poverty and housing insecurity, pointing out that many families, including single mothers and their children, are living in inadequate conditions. She advocated for increased support and guaranteed income programs, particularly for vulnerable groups such as foster care youth transitioning to independence.

As the DNC Poverty Council convened to discuss these pressing issues, Solis emphasized the importance of the upcoming election in shaping the future of poverty alleviation efforts. “We must ensure this election is one of the most consequential in our lifetime. It is crucial that we prioritize these issues and continue pushing for progress,” she asserted.

Her address resonated with many attendees, underscoring the urgency of tackling homelessness and poverty through a combination of community involvement, innovative solutions, and robust policy support.

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