Senator Duckworth Blames Trump for Arizona Abortion Ban Ruling

Photo courtesy of AFGE Activists traveled to Washington, D.C. for the union's annual legislative conference

WASHINGTON, D.C. – April 9, 2024

U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) has issued a scathing statement in response to the recent ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court upholding a near-total abortion ban in the state. Duckworth squarely places the blame on former President Donald Trump, attributing the ruling to his successful efforts to reshape the U.S. Supreme Court and overturn Roe v. Wade.

The ruling in Arizona, which allows a law dating back to the Civil War era to be enforced, effectively criminalizes abortion with exceptions only to save the mother’s life. Duckworth asserts that this draconian measure, along with similar restrictions in Florida and threats to in vitro fertilization (IVF) access nationwide, is a direct consequence of Trump’s anti-choice agenda.

Duckworth condemns Trump’s repeated boasts about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, describing it as a regressive step that undermines women’s rights to essential healthcare. She laments the Arizona Supreme Court’s decision, which she believes sets women’s reproductive rights back to the Civil War era and underscores the urgent need for federal protections.

In advocating for the protection of abortion rights, IVF access, and reproductive freedom, Duckworth highlights her sponsorship of the Access to Family Building Act. This legislation aims to establish federal rights for patients to access IVF, ensure healthcare providers can offer IVF services, and mandate insurance coverage for IVF procedures.

Despite her efforts to advance the Access to Family Building Act, Duckworth encountered opposition from Senate Republicans, including Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), who blocked the bill’s passage through unanimous consent. Duckworth emphasizes the importance of restoring Roe v. Wade and enacting comprehensive federal legislation to safeguard reproductive rights for women across the nation.

As a Senator who has personally experienced the challenges of fertility and childbirth, Duckworth remains committed to championing reproductive healthcare access and fighting against restrictive measures that threaten women’s autonomy and well-being.

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