2024 U.S. Presidential Debate: Reactions from Diverse Leaders and Communities


The presidential debate held on September 10, 2024, showcased a dynamic and impactful performance by Vice President Kamala Harris, drawing significant praise from various political leaders and community representatives. The debate highlighted a stark contrast between Harris and former President Donald Trump, particularly regarding issues of inclusivity, policy solutions, and leadership.

Congresswoman Jill Tokuda from Hawaii expressed her strong support for Harris, emphasizing the former president’s defeat in the last election. Tokuda stated, “Donald Trump was fired by 81 million Americans, Harris’s vision stands in sharp contrast to Trump’s record of racism, xenophobia, and discrimination. She represents a hopeful future for all Americans.”

Former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security John K. Tien reflected on his collaborative experiences with Harris during his tenure. Tien highlighted Harris’s diplomatic skills, stating, “During my time as Deputy Secretary, I worked closely with Kamala Harris. She truly understands what it takes to negotiate effectively with foreign leaders to safeguard American interests. Unlike Trump, who has made derogatory remarks about immigrants, Harris recognizes the value of diverse communities and upholds their dignity.”

Texas Representative Gene Wu addressed the long-standing issues of hate faced by Asian American communities and applauded Harris’s stance against these problems. Wu said, “For over a hundred years, our community has faced systemic hate, and today, we see laws being passed that target Asian Americans. Kamala Harris is committed to fighting back against this hate and building a better future for all of us. Her leadership is crucial in countering the discriminatory policies that have affected our communities.”

Pennsylvania Representative Arvind Venkat discussed the debate’s impact on healthcare policy. Venkat criticized Trump’s vague approach to healthcare reform, stating, “It was disheartening to hear Trump’s so-called ‘concept’ of a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. As someone who has practiced emergency medicine for nearly 25 years and seen firsthand the consequences of lack of insurance, I am proud of Vice President Harris’s commitment to bolstering healthcare access as a right for all Americans. Her plans are clear and actionable, offering real solutions to the healthcare crisis.”

The debate also featured endorsements from various community Representative.

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