2024 DNC Day One: Senator Duckworth Urges AAPI Action, Emphasizing Battleground States

August 19, 2024, Chicago, IL – Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois addressed the AAPI Caucus at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, urging the community to continue their work in mobilizing voters and ensuring a Democratic victory in the upcoming election.

Duckworth, known for her progressive policies and strong advocacy for women’s rights, highlighted Illinois’ successes in implementing progressive policies, including investing in labor unions, public schools, and women’s reproductive rights. She underscored the importance of foreign direct investment and expressed pride in the contributions of the AAPI community in driving these successes.

“We’re going to tell the story of the blue wall,” Duckworth said, emphasizing the importance of the AAPI community in achieving these victories. “We’re going to tell the story of what happens when you take progressive policies and put them into work.” She then focused on the importance of the AAPI community in key battleground states, saying, “We have a heck of a lot more work to do in front of us. We need to reach out to our communities all across the country, back to those battleground states – to Michigan, to Ohio, to Wisconsin – places where we can win.”

Duckworth acknowledged that while progress has been made, there is still much work to be done. She urged the AAPI Caucus to continue their efforts to mobilize voters in these crucial battleground states.

Duckworth concluded her remarks with a call to action: “Party hard today, have a lot of fun. But then get back to work!” She underscored the importance of a collective effort in the face of a “racist, sexist, five-time draft-dodging” opposition.

Duckworth’s speech was met with enthusiastic applause from the AAPI Caucus. Her message resonated with attendees, highlighting the importance of AAPI voices in the fight for progressive policies and the need for continued engagement in upcoming elections.

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