2024 DNC Day One: Congressman Krishnamoorthi Urges AAPI Community to “Pull Up Their Seats” at the Table

August 19, 2024, Chicago, IL – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois addressed the Democratic National Committee’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Caucus, urging the community to “pull up their seats” at the table and leverage their growing political power.

Krishnamoorthi, a strong advocate for the AAPI community, began his remarks by acknowledging the significant presence of the AAPI community within the Democratic Party. He emphasized the need for the community to actively participate in the upcoming election, stating, “We are pulling up our proverbial seats to the table and now it’s time to eat.”

He highlighted the demographic and economic strength of the AAPI community, noting their status as the fastest growing, best educated, and most prosperous segment of the electorate. “We can never afford to be on the menu,” he said, reminding the caucus that their political involvement is crucial to achieving their goals.

Krishnamoorthi stressed the importance of the upcoming election, arguing that electing Kamala Harris as the first AAPI President of the United States would be a significant step towards achieving equality and opportunity for all. He reminded the caucus of the Democratic Party’s core values: ensuring that everyone has the chance to realize their potential regardless of background, origin, faith, or sexual orientation. He also emphasized the need for economic mobility for all Americans, regardless of income level.

Krishnamoorthi closed his remarks with a call to action, urging the AAPI community to get engaged, vote, and make sure Kamala Harris becomes the next President of the United States.

The Congressman’s speech energized the room, underscoring the critical role of the AAPI community in the upcoming election. His message of unity, empowerment, and commitment to Democratic values resonated with the caucus, adding to the growing momentum for Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

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